Thursday, 28 February 2013

Homework (28 February 2013)


Tomorrow's exam is Geography
Topics tested:
Water cycle
Factors affecting speed and volume of a river

Finish storyboard and hand up to Zhen Yu
Do your storyboard video and put it into Mr Soh's "Drop It To Me" link in G+
(By tomorrow)

Do the 逗号 worksheet

Do Unit 3.1 questions 3a, 3c, 3d, 5a and 5c on he foolscap paper with the previous homework

Check that you have the following things in your History file:

Cover Page
Similarities and Differences (Assignment)
Timed Practice (Assignment)
Relief Worksheet (Assignment)
Diagnostic Test (Assessment)
5 Archives with Reflections

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Homework (27 February 2013)


Tomorrow's exam is History
Topics tested:
Ancient civilizations (Mesopotamians, Indus Valley, Shang Dynasty)

Update file content page with the remedial 2 & 3 worksheets and file them in with corrections done
Bring maths file
(By Monday, 3/3/13)

Do unit 3.1, questions 1a, 1b, 1c, 2b, 2c, 4a and 4b on foolscap
(Due tomorrow)

Finish storyboard and 90 second video explaining about your storyboard
(By tomorrow)

Tuesday, 26 February 2013



Tomorrow's exam is Maths
Topics tested:
Expansion and Factorization
Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Fractions
Solving Quadratic Equations

Expansion and Factorization
Remember the signs and terms
- Special Rules
- Grouping
- Extracting common terms
- Cross method

Solving the Square
Remember the ways to solve a quadratic equation
Extracting the common factor
Cross method (3 terms)
Grouping (4 terms)
Special Rules

General formula

Completing the square

Please bring file and everything
(By tomorrow)

Finish reflections
1) what i like about my class
2) what i dislike about my class
3) how i have been contributing to my class
4) the class's main problem
5) the changes i would like to see
6) one important value i would like to see in class

Sign post test

Monday, 25 February 2013

Homework (25 February 2013)


Tomorrow's exam is Science
Topics tested :
General Properties of Waves
Light (Reflection)
Light (Refraction)

Bring Science file with all notes and homework inside (except anything which has to do with electricity)
(Due Friday, 1/3/13)

EL 2
Go to the googlesite and download the Non-Verbal Communication PDF and watch the videos and understand them.
(Due Monday, 3/3/13)

Record your story
1 minute
Put the above in a folder and name it EL2 Oral Exams S2-08, Name,
Submit in submit folder
(Due Friday, 14/3/13)

Friday, 22 February 2013

Homework (22 February 2013)

Weekend Homework (Term 1 Week 7)

Monday's Level Test : English (formal letter)

Sender's Address

Date (Any)

Receiver's Address

Dear Sir/Madam (if not stated),





Yours faithfully (if you do not know the receiver's name) or Yours sincerely (if you know the receiver's name)
Sender's Signature
Sender's name

Do your group mission and vision
(Due Monday, 25/2/13)

Record a 1 minute audio about your best day with a script
(Due Monday, 11/3/13)

Download this weeks slide at google site. Choose what kind of character to act as in the presentation with your partner
(Due Monday, 25/2/13)

Partner List
17 & 11
13 & 5
4 & 20
10 & 9
15 & 8
21 & 22
12 & 16
18 & 2
6 & 7
14 & 3
19 & 1

Start your IRS Project

Do worksheet corrections
Do remedial worksheet 2 and 3
(Due Tuesday, 26/2/13)

Memorize 感动 sentence 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8
(By Tuesday, 4/3/13)
For those who have the Story Challenge Performance consent form, please sign it
(By Monday, 25/2/13)

Do the timed practice
(Due Thursday, 28/2/13)

Create a new page at the bottom of e journal 02 and answer the questions below

Explain the factors affecting the speed of a river (5 marks)

Explain the factors affecting the volume of a river (6 marks)
(Due Tuesday, 26/2/13)

Finish the group task
(Due Wednesday, 27/2/13)

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Homework (21 February 2013)

Finish the ADMT group task
(Due Wednesday, 27/2/13)

Memorize 感动 1, 2 , 4, 5 and 8
(ByTuesday, /3/13)

Do the timed practice (download from googlesite)
(By tomorrow)

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Homework (20 February 2013)

Do Maths worksheet corrections
Finish the remedial worksheet
(Due Tuesday, 26/2/13)

Finish the 2012 Science Level Test 4 paper
(Due Friday, 22/2/13)

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Homework (19 February 2013)

Do the electicity activity
Do the 2 worksheets on light
(Due Thursday, 21/2/13)

Study for science test
(By tomorrow)

Do xi zi on the 15 words ye lao shi went through
(Due tomorrow)

Write thd formal letter on Defective Pen
(Due tomorrow)

Prepare for post test and pre test
(By tomorrow)

Create a new page in ejournal 02 and answer the following questions :
Explain the factors affecting the speed of a river (5 marks)
Explain the factors affecting the volume of a river (6 marks)
Do in PEE format
(Due Tuesday, 26/2/13)

Monday, 18 February 2013

Homework (18 February 2013)


Do your group mission and vision
(Due Monday, 25/2/13)

Do the cyber wellness survey on the class blog
(Due Friday, 22/2/13)

Record a 1 minute audio about your best day with a script
(Due Monday, 11/3/13)

Download this weeks slide at google site. Choose what kind of character to act as in the presentation with your partner
(Due Monday, 25/2/13)

Partner List
17 & 11
13 & 5
4 & 20
10 & 9
15 & 8
21 & 22
12 & 16
18 & 2
6 & 7
14 & 3
19 & 1

Start your IRS Project

20130218 (I) Character Education & Digital Citizenship Programme

What it means to be Digital Citizens? 
me, myself and my cyber persona

Activity 1A
Watch the following video and post your responses as comment to the questions that follows Video is on “On-line Dangers”.

This video is about a young girl who is chatting to a man she does not know. The man asks her to meet him and she does. She really likes the man and thinks he makes her feel special! but is that really the truth?

Should you encounter any difficulty accessing the above site click the following alternative sites:  The Social Media Revolution

Activity 1B

Reflection Questions 1 (Post as comments.)

  • What are the nature of the cyber dangers presented in the scenario?
  • Why do you think she succumbed so easily to the temptations that eventually led her to be a victim?
  • Why is it so easy to assume a different persona online?

20130218 (II) Character Education & Digital Citizenship Programme

Dangers in Cyberspace - my digital footprint 

Activity 2A

Before start of video ask yourself the following question: 
What is digital footprint?

Watch the following video and post your responses as comment to the questions that follows:

Digital Footprint

Activity 2B 

Reflection Questions (Post as comments.)

The questions for reflections include:

  1. Reflect on the imminent dangers presented in the video on ‘Digital Footprint’
  2. Why do you think many people are ignorant of such dangers?
  3. What do think should be done to make people aware of these dangers.

Digital Footprint
Is basically everything on the internet that is about you! Sometimes content about you may be viewed by people you don’t know. Your digital footprint may include photos, audio, videos, blog posts, posts you write on friends’ walls. Like all information on the internet, it can be permanent. Remember - internet information has a global audience.

20130218 (III) Character Education & Digital Citizenship Programme

Revisiting 4Rs

Activity 3





Apply the 4Rs in cyberspace.

Note with the choice you make - you must also bear the consequences.
Click on the following to set the context for Consequences


Activity 4 (Class work)

Class (Community) Guidelines

‘If you were in charge of writing YouTube’s Community Guidelines, what would you include?’

Setting the Context:

YouTube’s Community Guidelines are the ‘rules of the road’ for our users when posting content and engaging on the platform. They outline the level of responsibility, which is expected of all users. The Community Guidelines are linked to from the bottom of every YouTube page under ‘Terms’ and are written in clear, easy to understand, jargon-free language so that all users can be clear on what the YouTube rules are.

Students break into groups of 4-5 and each group should post their Class (Community) Guidelines in order of importance on the Class Blog. Post as Comments.

From this list, as a class, craft a Class Pledge on Social Media Guidelines and post it as a new entry in Class Blog.

Prizes will be given to the best entries.

On-line Final Survey

Activity 5 (LD activated & LD down once done) - student focused(individual work) 

Friday, 15 February 2013

Homework (15 February 2013)

Weekend Homework (Term 1 Week 6)

Revise for post test

Buy a black A3 folder
Read page 2, 3 and 4 of the 逗号:
1. Have 5 词语 that you do not know
2. Do 关于我的零用钱:
- 一个月的零用钱
- 多少钱用买食物
- 多少钱用在交通
3. Interview anyone for the questions above and write at the beginning:
4. Reflection (50 words min)
(Due Tuesday, 19/2/13)

Memorize 激动 1, 3, 5, 7
(Due Thursday, 21/2/13)

Bring camera
(Due Wednesday, 20/2/13)

Complete the maths worksheet
(Due Tuesday, 19/2/13)

Read and try to remember the facts about the civilizations
(Due Thursday, 21/2/13)

Do the ejournal 02 by expanding the permeability of rocks and climate
(Due Tuesday, 19/2/13)

Finish the climax and conclusion for those who have not done it
(Due Tuesday)

Finish your AA
(Due Monday, 18/2/13)

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Homework (14 February 2013)


Bring camera
(Due Wednesday, 20/2/13)

Find meanings of the words for chapter 4
(Due tomorrow)

Complete the maths worksheet
(Due Tuesday, 19/2/13)

Read and try to remember the facts about the civilizations
(Due Thursday, 21/2/13)

Rate the effectiveness of the clues (For those who have the worksheet)
(Due tomorrow)

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Homework (13 February 2013)


Revise for post test

Revise for waves quiz

Buy a black A3 folder
Read page 2, 3 and 4 of the 逗号:
1. Have 5 词语 that you do not know
2. Do 关于我的零用钱:
- 一个月的零用钱
- 多少钱用买食物
- 多少钱用在交通
3. Interview anyone for the questions above and write at the beginning:
4. Reflection (50 words min)
(Due Tuesday, 19/2/13)

Bring camera
(Due tomorrow)

Updated Level Test Schedule

Dear all

Pls find the updated level test schedule below.

Ms Sng

Friday, 8 February 2013

Valentine's Messengers

Dear young ladies and gentlemen

Homework (8 February 2013)

Weekend Homework (Term 1 Week 5)

EL 2
Type out your podcast script based on the recording that we did today ( you can record again if you want) and edit the script
(Due Monday, 18/2/13)

Start your IRS project
(Due Monday, 18/2/13)

Download unit 1.2 of ejournal
Find videos or pictures about the first part on speed
Type out 2 more variables in speed (course or river and wind direction), explain it and find videos or pictures for it
(Due Friday, 15/2/13)

Do the Morphological analysis and have a story
(Due Wednesday, 13/2/13)

Memorize the 高兴句子, 1, 2, 14, 15 and 21
(Due Friday, 15/2/13)

活动本 page 1 - 14
(Due Wednesday, 13/2/13)

Do the alternative assessment
(Due Monday, 18/2/13)

Try Q4 of the worksheet again and do page 38, example 13 and page 46, Q3 of the Lecture Notes
(Due Wednesday, 13/2/13)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Homework (7 February 2013)


Do the Morphological analysis and have a story
(Due Wednesday, 13/2/13)

Memorize the 高兴句子, 1, 2, 14, 15 and 21
(Due Friday, 15/2/13)

活动本 page 1 - 14
(Due Wednesday, 13/2/13)

Do the 4 questions behind the worksheet Ms Ng gave us
(Due tomorrow)

Do the Similarities and Differences between Civilizations slides
(Due tomorrow)

Do the alternative assessment
(Due Monday, 18/2/13)

Do the Hitchhiker part 2 comprehension and answer a question on the english blog
(Due tomorrow)

Badminton players, your worksheets are with the person sitting beside you (i think)

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Homework (6 February 2013)


Do corrections on the worksheets Ms Ng gave back to us
Write down your common mistakes on the reflection worksheet
When you are done with the above, file them inside your maths file
(Due by next filing)

Do questions 13, 14 and 15 of the Unit 2.2 worksheet on the same foolscap
(Due tomorrow)
Finish up the Refraction activity
(Due tomorrow)

Choose 1 of 3 compo titles and do the description for it before writing the compo
(Due Friday, 8/2/13)

Read pages 2, 3, 12 and 13 of the dou hao and answer the questions in PB works
(Due Friday, 8/2/13)

Do exercise 1 of the huo dong ben
(Due Wednesday, 13/2/13)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Homework (5 February 2013)


Explanation of lesson for those who had competition:
Page 35 Lecture Notes 
Example 10
a) x^2+11x-15
=(x+5.5)^2-30 and 1/4 -15
=(x+5.5)^2-45 and 1/4

b) Hence,
(x+5.5)^2-45 and 1/4=0
(x+5.5)^2=45 and 1/4
x=1.23 or x=-12.22

Homework for maths
Maths quiz 2 (do behind quiz 1)
a) Express x^2+6x-27 in the form of (x+a)^2+b
b) Hence find x^2+6x-27=0

Do questions 10, 11 and 12 of the unit 2.2 worksheet and tier b, question 2 and tier c, question 1 of page 43 in the lecture notes on the same foolscap paper with the weekend homework
(Due tomorrow)

Download unit 1.2 of ejournal
Find videos or pictures about the first part on speed
Type out 2 more variables in speed (course or river and wind direction), explain it and find videos or pictures for it
(Due Friday, 15/2/13)